Cool temperatures & Fabulous Fireworks!

In case you hadn’t noticed (and those of you in NZ etc probably won’t have!), the temperature has dropped considerably since the start of November……….and I think it’s great! We even had to put the heating on for the first time last week (which was an adventure in itself given this is a new house and we hadn’t thought to test it before!) – we only had it on for an hour, after which time I was seeking the cooler climes of the hall and kitchen as the lounge was a bit warm for my liking! (special thanks to my personal thermostat!)

We had a very nice week off, and enjoyed catching up with the families. Isabel was particularly pleased that, whilst staying at Hotel Winchurst, she got to share her cot with a “Mioaw” – all her Christmases had come at once! Charlie (said furry friend) seemed to think that the fluffy blanket in the cot was specifically for sharing – and, much to our surprise, refused to budge when Isabel appeared! Luckily, he also resisted the urge to extend his claws otherwise it would have been tears before bedtime!

Last weekend we had a lovely visit from Ruth & Andrew and, being Bonfire time, we ventured out to a Fireworks display on Saturday night – this year, Isabel actually made an effort to watch the display though we weren’t sure at some points if she might cry! Last year we took her to see the Fireworks in Wellington Harbour but she was more interested in the people than anything exploding in the sky!

This week, I was due to have an appointment with my new Midwife as my original one has moved back to working in the Hospital rather than being in the community – unfortunately, she was running so far behind that I ended up being seen by another woman who appeared to have come along for moral support! Having been told that I would now be into fortnightly visits, I was slightly surprised to find that it would be another 5 weeks before my next appointment! We have also worked out that it might actually be my last visit with the midwife – once you start to figure trivial things like Christmas and New Year into the proceedings, it leaves very little time before we hit the magic 38 week mark and therefore C-section time! We shall have to wait and see……..

This weekend we have Aunty Hannah coming to stay whilst Dan and I head out to the Fortis Dinner Dance on Saturday night – this seemed like a splendid idea until I started to ponder the “What am I going to wear?” question………….evening wear for people in my “condition” is one of those things that it is a little bit like gold dust! I did consider a trip to my local Outdoor Store to peruse their Tent collections but luckily I have now found something that will hopefully do……….it’s a bit late now if it won’t!

Isabel is fine and her language skills improve on a daily basis – though her favourite word appears to be “NO” she will also now say “Bye Bye, See You” which is quite amusing!

3 thoughts on “Cool temperatures & Fabulous Fireworks!”

  1. Altho as you say it is cooler now, we are getting lovely sunny days down here in De’bn. I have even sat outside with a cuppa and a book, which is more than I did in the summer !
    Munchkin is great. It’s good to see you have her practising her “mothering” skills with her very own baby in its carrying seat! Hope she ditches the “chuck it down on the floor when I’m fed up with it” routine by the time the real one arrives.

  2. can we have some more pictures please??? some of us have boring jobs and need to pass the time!

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