Things that go “Bump” in the….er…..Stomach?!

Today was a little bit of milestone in this pregnancy as I got booted from the inside but most definitely felt it on the outside!

The day had started rather actively with “Bob” doing what could only be described as a star-jump – that’s the only way I can explain why I felt kicks on both sides of my bump at once!! Once downstairs and safely ensconced on the sofa (I hasten to add at this point that, thanks to my darling sister Hannah, I am stuffed full of cold so feel justified in sofa lounging!) with my toast and Isabel in her high chair, I must just have been sitting in the right position – right place at the right time! My arm, which was resting on my middle, just jumped in the air! Isabel was decidedly unimpressed with Mummy’s squeaking and just looked at me as if to say “that’s nice Mum, can I go back to my breakfast now please?”!

Speaking of Isabel, her current favourite phrase is “Hiya!” which she says to just about anyone when she sees them and, when asked what is in Mummy’s tummy, she will say with great gusto “a Baby!” . Clearly she has no idea what is looming in her future – the fact that she came across a rather small, screaming baby on Monday in the supermarket and promptly put her hands over her ears doesn’t bode terribly well!

One thought on “Things that go “Bump” in the….er…..Stomach?!”

  1. As long as she doesn’t react like her daddy did long ago, on being told that he now had a baby sister ” I want a brother. Send it back”!!

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