Hurrah! Our house purchase went through (at last!) last Thursday and we were finally able to move out of the hotel we’d been staying in for the last six weeks or so. Not that the hotel was bad, it’s just with three of us living in a room the size of … well, the size of a small room, we became a little stir crazy.
We were also able to get all our stuff out of storage on the same day the house completed so were able to go to sleep in our lovely king-size bed with our familiar duvet that Kate could tuck right up to her ears and still keep her feet warm!!
We’ve still got the small matter of about four hundred thousand boxes to unpack (OK, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit!) but it’s great to have our own space again, and for Isabel to be in her own room. (Special thanks to Auntie Catherine for the pink angel lights she bought for Isabel’s room to add that extra je ne sais quoi!)
Yes indeed, I have managed to get some photos up on the site!
Just a small selection but better than nothing!
You’ll need to access them via the main Gallery page as I’m not clever and can’t put a link on this main page!
DAN UPDATE: Click the photo below to go straight to the gallery …
Many apologies to those who think we have fallen off the face of the earth – we are still here and yes, we are still living in a hotel which isn’t anywhere near as glamorous as it sounds!
Sadly there isn’t a lot to report – just doing our best to adjust to being in Southampton and getting to grips with the fact that we live here now and that we aren’t just on our holidays!
Once we get settled in a place of own (soon hopefully!) we have plenty of pics to upload and so will bore you to death with those!
Unitl then, at least you know we are alive and well and always glad to hear from people!
Winchurst family web-site