Changes to the theme

So, according to Google analytics (I mean, what would *that* know?!) our website wasn’t mobile friendly. So I’ve changed the theme. Does it work? There’s probably a bit more work needed, but as I’m updating this from my phone I guess it works well enough.

Long time no speak

So … where to begin? Over three years have passed since the last post and what’s happened in that time? Oh, not much really. We’ve had no more children – at least, none that I’m aware of. That’s because the ones we’ve got already are such darlings. Most of the time anyway.

More pics

матрациI have added a few more photos from today, the highlights of which included Isabel and Molly meeting their new baby sister for the first time. There were presents all round, which went down well with Isabel and Molly, but they were rather disappointed that Amelia seemed to want to sleep for most of the time they were there! Still, we’re hoping that they may be home tomorrow, which will give them plenty of time to get to know each other.

I have added the photos to the same gallery as yesterday so just click that link to see the photos. The new ones are from img 963 on the second page of pics. Enjoy.

Amelia Lucy Winchurst has arrived…

We will no doubt be adding to this over the forthcoming days and weeks, but for now I have added a gallery with some pictures to celebrate the arrival of Amelia Lucy Winchurst this morning (22nd October 2009) at approximately 9.21am. She weighed 8lb 12oz and so far (around 13 1/2 hours later as I type!) she is doing fine.

I haven’t added any captions to the photos yet, so you’ll have to make up your own for now! Click the photo below to go to the gallery.


Waddling bravely onwards……….

I am rubbish.

There, I said it – I know that I have totally failed in my mission to post regular blog updates, but I’m beginning to wonder if anyone actually reads it anymore anyway, mainly thanks to the invention of Facebook!!!

I’m also not convinced that much has gone on in the world of the Winchursts to warrant us telling the world – life ticks along, much the same as usual on a day to day basis! Boring…………..

The Girls have gotten bigger, as has the dog, and we are about to embark on the big adventure of School – Isabels first day is monday next week although, annoyingly, she will only be doing mornings until after half term!!!
Molly has gone back to pre-school and it seems a little as though she has never been away – 2 days in and we’ve already managed to “lose” 2 cardigans (there’ll be there somewhere!) and are inundated with various artistic offerings………most of which, sadly, will probably end up in the recycling but rest assured we’ll hunt out any future fortune makers first!!

For anyone who doesn’t know (which would be quite unlikely at this point!), I too have grown – rather dramatically, mainly round the waist and in a general outwards direction – I haven’t become a pie eating champion (sadly), I am in fact 33 weeks pregnant with Winchurst number 3 and am busy attempting to make sure we are ready for the new arrival, expected sometime at the end of October! Getting my head round having a newborn in the house is proving to be quite odd, given how used I am to having 2 fairly self sufficient small people around the majority of the time – once the moses basket comes out of the loft and I’ve finished packing my hospital bag I’m sure the reality will hit home………..and then I will be found waddling at top speed (ie, not very fast at all….) into the sunset!! The Girls seem pretty excited about having a Baby in the house although Isabel did come across 3 week old Baby Violet, who lives next door, screaming her head off in her pram this afternoon and asked me “Will ours do that Mummy?” with a distinct look of concern on her face!!! She has no idea whats coming……………

The dog continues to have boundless amounts of energy and enjoys joining in with any wrestling matches that might be going on on the rug or jumping around the garden like a fairy/mermaid/Kung fu Panda – thankfully, the cries of “No bum licking Tana!!!” have all but disappeared but I do, very occaisionally, get reports of him eating poo that has come from someones bottom……… general tactic is to gloss over these reports very quickly and make a concious decision not to investigate the matter further, whilst hoping with every inch of my being (which, at the minute, is a lot of inches…..) that it won’t result in a trip to the Vets – don’t much fancy having to explain his odd choice in dietary supplements…………

So, that’s where we are at the minute – hopefully we’ll get some pictures of Isabels first day at school posted up here and we’ll be sure to do our best to get pictures of Number 3 once that happy day arrives!!! I wouldn’t hold your breath though………………

Where’s that year gone???

I just thought I should add a post, given that it’s been over a year since the last one. Anyway, given a rare day of sunshine a couple of weekends ago we decided to go for a family picnic, so the link below takes you to a gallery of a couple of photos from the day. (Needless to say the photos were taken before the moans of “I’m tired”, “Carry me!” and “I don’t want to walk any more” …. and that was just from Kate. ๐Ÿ˜‰ )


Sunshine, Sweat and Washing Lines……..

We have been sweating our what-names off of late – the British Summer seems to have arrived with a vengeance and is making up for all the times when it failed to make an appearance………Most people are thrilled to have all this hot weather – sadly, I am not one of them!!! It is a well known fact that the heat and I do not agree with each other so I have been doing my best to hide from it at all costs – which is a shame as it means I am not really getting to enjoy my lovely new washing line!!!!! Putting the washing out generally involves dashing into the garden, a la Linford Christie, pegging it out in record time and then retreating with almost as much speed as I went out there to admire it from the safety (and coolness) of the house! It is a sad fact that my most exciting thing of late is the arrival of my washing line but there you go…….

The Girls, on the other hand, are loving being out in the Garden and it is a struggle to persuade Isabel that she has to put her clothes on before she can go out there – we are also having to explain to her that she ought not to dash out there without her knickers on…….somedays the neighbours get rather more than they bargained for!!!! It is lovely to watch (again from the safe cool zone that is the house) the pair of them run round with the dog – and just at the minute, the dog succumbs to the heat far sooner than they do!!!!

Molly is busy getting bigger by the minute – her language is amazing now and we were impressed to learn yesterday that she knows (and can say) her own name………….we were momentarily disturbed that when we asked her what her name was she grinned and said “Dog!” but we sorted that out pretty quickly!!!! She can also count to 10 with a bit of coaxing – she generally misses out 2 but who needs the number 2 anyway???? I fear that we will have a job to get in her into the pushchair in the not too distant future – she is very quick to say “walk” when you unclip her car seat but has an objection to holding your hand…..she wants to run free and torment the innocent trolley pushers in B&Q and Sainsburys!!!

Isabel is on holiday from pre-school now but will be doing 5 sessions a week when she goes back in September – and she’s not the only one who is looking forward to this!!!!! It’s hard to believe that it’s only 12 months until she heads to school – where has the time gone????? For now, we are getting ready to send her on a little holiday to Aunty Catherine’s house mid week – when it was 1st mentioned she informed me that “she didn’t really want to go” but soon came round to the idea when it was suggested that she might need a suitcase of very own to take with her!!!!!

We have had Granny Pies staying with us as well which he Girls have loved – someone who is always happy to read stories and play buses/aeroplanes with the garden chairs is always welcome in our house!!! Amusingly, Isabel marched through one afternoon and declared “Err, Pies, I’ve had a wee and I think I’ll do a poo next time!” – neither Mummy or Pies quite new what the correct reaction to that was!!!!

Not a lot is on the horizon just at the minute – there are no Wedding Dresses in the pipeline just at the minute and Daddy is busy at work as usual…….busy gearing up for what is rapidly becoming his “World Tour of Work” and that will see him away for 80% of September in Kiev, Istanbul, Brussels and Mello (which is in France in case you wondered, which I know I did……..)!!!!!

New gallery

Kate has added a new gallery of photos. They are just a selection of the girls and the latest addition to the family … Tana, a cocker spaniel. As always, click the photo below to go straight to the gallery.


Flying, Walking, Talking and anything else you can think of!

Hmmm, that whole feeling bad about it being 2 months since we last posted an update thing clearly didn’t give me any kind of boot up the rear to make a more concerted effort – we are now another 5 months or so down the line & people must think we have spontaneously combusted!!?

We are still here mind, all present and correct – so I will attempt to fill you in on what has been happening over the last few months but you’ll have to forgive me if I leave things out/repeat myself!!!!

Most of February was relatively uneventful and was mainly about getting ready to go to NZ – we managed to fit in a trip to Grandpa Peepoo’s house and then Grandma & Hompy came to stay and to inspect the new abode which we had pretty much managed to unpack by that point!!! Isabel carried on going to pre-school which gave Mummy and Molly some quality time together and also gave Mummy a chance to squeeze in some much needed sewing time (for a Wedding Dress and Isabel’s Bridesmaid’s dress).

At the end of the month we packed our bags and headed for Heathrow with Mummy wondering how on earth we were going to manage 30 hours on a plane with 2 under 3’s!!!???? We needn’t have worried though – all credit to them, the Girls were brilliant and behaved impeccably. We had the odd moment where their tolerance levels bottomed out (but didn’t everyones???) and it didn’t help that Air New Zealand managed not to order dinners for them!!!! So we made it, just about in one piece (though they did also try to lose our pushchair in LA and then make us miss our connection to Wellington by bringing our bags out last!) and arrived rather blearily at Jode & Bretts house for the 1st part of our stay! We had a wonderful time doing not very much at all other than chilling out and catching up with friends, drinking copious amounts of wine (nice one Brett!) and setting the world to rights! The end of our trip saw us move accommodation and also brought about the reason for the trip in the 1st place รขโ‚ฌโ€œ Uncle Paul and Aunty Rachel’s wedding!!!!! Isabel looked fab though did as suspected and freaked out at all the people in church so walked down the aisle in floods of tears with her hand clamped firmly over her mouth! A marvellous time was had with lots of memories to bring home with us!

The NZ trip wiped out a large chunk of March as well and what was left of it was pretty mundane day to day stuff mixed with a generous helping of jet-lag…lovely!!!!

Early April had Mummy delivering the Wedding Dress she was making just before we went to NZ and saw Daddy gallivanting off to Paris on a work trip! Mummy then began work on another dress (keeping her well and truly out of mischief!) and we all began gearing up for Isabels 3rd and Hompys 75th Birthdays at the very beginning of May! We had a small gathering of under 3’s at our house to celebrate the Birthday before we headed off for a long weekend in Devon, her actual Birthday and a lovely family celebration – we attempted to introduce a new tradition that involved showing us your Birthday knickers in order to take a picture of them but strangely Isabel was a lot keener on this idea than Hompy was!!!???
The following weekend, Mummy and Daddy managed to escape for the weekend CHILD FREE (thanks to Aunty Crassin!) which was brilliant and the 1st time we had done since either of the Girls were born! We had a lovely time in Bath and managed to catch up with Mr AND Mrs Dibens which is a very rare thing thanks mainly to Julie’s training schedule so it was all the more special!

We have also been keeping a close eye on Miss Isabel who has become rather deaf over the last few months – we have now had an appointment with the nice Dr at ENT and the conclusion has been that she has a very bad blockage of wax in her ears but beyond that her hearing seems to be Ok thankfully. Continuing with drops coupled with an appointment in early August is the current treatment which may become a procedure under anaesthetic to remove the wax but we shall wait and see on that one!

Molly has also been busy of late, walking and talking – the walking was taking a lot longer than the talking but we are pleased to report that she has been a fully fledged walker for about the last month…the turning point for her seemed to be the arrival of the newest member of the Winchurst household, an 8 week old Blue Roan Cocker Spaniel called Tana (as in Umaga, former All Blacks captain and NOT Mrs Ramsey!!!) – watching him run riot around the garden seemed to fill her with envy and so she just decided to get on with it, much to everyone’s delight!!! The talking thing has been happening since the beginning of the year but now she is basically completely comprehensible which makes our life a lot easier – she’ll ask for the things she wants such as “more milk please!”ย although we particularly liked “Hooray! Sausage!”!!!

The next few weeks are taken up with visitors and then a trip to Devon for Sarah and Simons Wedding and a chance to introduce Tana to the rest of the Winchursts which we are looking forward to. It’ll also be the 1st time he is allowed out for a walk so we’ll keep you posted on how that goes – though don’t expect an update before October or you’ll be very disappointed!

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