Category Archives: Isabel

Isabel’s diary

Back to the real world…..

You may be pleased to know that I am now back in the land of living and am just about recovered from the trials of childbirth – unfortunately, the nice and easy recovery process I had hoped for didn’t quite materialise and I seem to have been plagued with infection after infection………after my 3rd course of antibiotics though, I seem to have shaken them off and am now feeling a lot more like myself and a lot less like an invalid!

Life at home with 2 small children has also been a huge learning curve – I am extremely thankful to my support team who came and stayed during the first 3 weeks…………quite what I would have done without them doesn’t bear thinking about! This week has been my 1st week on my own and so far it hasn’t been too bad (though it is only Wednesday!) – the fact that today is the first day I have managed to get out of my pyjamas before 4pm should probably be glossed over as should the fact that I have failed miserably in my attempts to do even the smallest amount of housework………things can only get better from here I suppose!?

Molly and Isabel seem to be enjoying bonding with each other. As soon as she is released from her cot in the mornings, Isabel’s first action is to go and look for Molly so that she can give her a kiss and she will look at you hopefully and say “Snuggle?” – this is, however, a request for a cuddle with Molly and not me…………once I got over my disappointment I was able to see the cute side of it and it’s lovely to see how enthusiastic Isabel is where Molly is concerned. It’s also very amusing to have Isabel lean over your shoulder whilst you change Molly’s nappy and declare “Oh Yuck!” but she does say that about her own nappies too so at least she’s consistent!

Isabel de Sade

There we were, sitting down watching a bit of television before we went to bed when we suddenly realised Isabel (who was in her high chair at the time) was chuckling to herself. After a few minutes it became almost hysterical laughter. We were initially a little baffled but suddenly realised we were watching a programme that included a number of video clips of people riding bikes (in fact they were unicycles) and falling off. Apparently Isabel found this to be rather amusing, as she did with the clips of gymnasts who didn’t quite manage to land correctly they showed later on in the programme. Oh dear – it looks like we have a little sadist on our hands!!

Things that go “Bump” in the….er…..Stomach?!

Today was a little bit of milestone in this pregnancy as I got booted from the inside but most definitely felt it on the outside!

The day had started rather actively with “Bob” doing what could only be described as a star-jump – that’s the only way I can explain why I felt kicks on both sides of my bump at once!! Once downstairs and safely ensconced on the sofa (I hasten to add at this point that, thanks to my darling sister Hannah, I am stuffed full of cold so feel justified in sofa lounging!) with my toast and Isabel in her high chair, I must just have been sitting in the right position – right place at the right time! My arm, which was resting on my middle, just jumped in the air! Isabel was decidedly unimpressed with Mummy’s squeaking and just looked at me as if to say “that’s nice Mum, can I go back to my breakfast now please?”!

Speaking of Isabel, her current favourite phrase is “Hiya!” which she says to just about anyone when she sees them and, when asked what is in Mummy’s tummy, she will say with great gusto “a Baby!” . Clearly she has no idea what is looming in her future – the fact that she came across a rather small, screaming baby on Monday in the supermarket and promptly put her hands over her ears doesn’t bode terribly well!


Yes indeed, I have managed to get some photos up on the site!

Just a small selection but better than nothing!

You’ll need to access them via the main Gallery page as I’m not clever and can’t put a link on this main page!

DAN UPDATE: Click the photo below to go straight to the gallery …


Little gallery

Kate had some time on her hands today (well, it’s not as if she’s got a baby to look after, a wedding dress to make or a house full of stuff to pack!) so has added another gallery of some recent photos of Isabel. There are a dozen there for you to enjoy. Add plenty of comments, as we always enjoy reading them.

Click on the photo on the right to go to the galley.Isabel18/DSCF0278.jpg

A Walking She Will Go!

It would seem that Isabel is now a fully fledged walker – and very proud of herself she is too if her doing circuits round the front room last night is anything to go by!

Having started out by taking a few steps, falling on her bum and then continuing on her way in crawling mode, she will now tend to walk everywhere – and if she falls over (which she still does pretty regularly!), she just gets back up and carries on her merry way!! (This is often helped if there is a furry creature for her to pursue!)

She also has a strange fascination with cat food – I’m not sure that it’s quite what the Plunkett Nurse meant by “solid” food, but if it keeps her happy (and it does, much to Mummy’s dismay!) then who are we to argue with her!

She now has hard soled shoes as well but isn’t so keen on these yet – I guess they must feel pretty odd when you’re used to being bare foot or just in your socks, but I think she’ll soon learn to love them when she discovers it’s the only way she’ll be allowed to walk around outside once we get back!

Turn your back for a moment and look what happens ….

Munchkin was safely strapped into her high chair with nothing within reach, or so we thought …. Kate popped upstairs to see whether I wanted a drink and when she returned downstairs the sight that met her was the one below.

Creamy chops

Isabel had managed to get her hands on her nappy rash cream and had decided she didn’t want get a rash on her face or hands so applied the cream accordingly. When changing her nappy, Kate and I generally check which way round Isabel is, so haven’t applied the cream in the same manner before. However, I can confirm that so far Is has not suffered a facial rash, so who are we to question her approach?!

My how she’s grown …

We came across the photo below the other day while we were trawling through some of our old photos, so thought it would be fun to take a picture of her in her bouncer today for comparison. Fortunately, she still likes her bouncer, often falling asleep in it after having finished a bottle (of milk, normally). So when she fell asleep in it after we’d got back from the supermarket (Woolworths in case you were wondering) I whipped out the camera and took another photo. Click here to see them both together.

Isabel in her bouncer May 2005 aged 11 days.

Isabel at the beach

Well today was Auntie Catherine’s last day with us in Wellington, so to make sure she didn’t leave on an empty stomach we took her to the Chocolate Fish. Having had a lovely brunch (as always) we decided it was a good time to initiate Isabel in the ways of the sea. We therefore took her to the little beach next to the Chocolate Fish to see how she would take to a bit of paddling. Having got over her initial uncertainty of the water surging in over her feet, she soon came to enjoy it, and if Daddy hadn’t stopped her, she would have been happy to wander into the Cook Strait!!

Unfortunately we didn’t have our camera with us, but luckily Catherine did (had her camera, that is, not ours). She has promised she will email us the photos when she gets home, so we’ll post them here when we get them.

In addition to her paddling, Is is continuing to practice her walking. Her current record is the eight steps she took from her baby bouncer to the coffee table, onto which she then put her bottle. What a good girl. Let’s hope she continues to be that tidy as she grows up!

The other trick she’s learnt to do is to wave. Daddy was sitting in the car waiting for Mummy and Catherine in the pizza shop (Hell, of course) and turned around to the Munchkin and said hello and waved. Much to his surprise Isabel waved back!! He tried it a couple more times to make sure it wasn’t a fluke, and it wasn’t. She appears to like waving as she has since been seen waving at the cats, herself in the mirror and people on the TV!!