Izzy gets another second cousin

Just thought we’d add a quick note to our site to wish my cousin and her family CONGRATULATIONS! on the safe arrival of the newest Papaioannou. At 1.34am California time on 13th November (approx. 10.34pm Kiwi time) little Oliver was born. We don’t know any more details at this stage, but trust all is well with mother and baby (not to mention daddy and big brother!).

CONGRATULATIONS! (See a link to Jo’s site in the left hand frame.)

What a good Mummy I am…..

What lucky people you are!

2 new galleries of pictures in less than a week!

Don’t go getting used to it mind – I’m not sure that I can keep it up! (so you’d best make the most of it while you can!)

Isabel14/DSCF0041.jpgClick the photo on the left to go to the gallery.

We have lift off!

For the last few days, young Miss Isabel has been wowing us with her ability to CRAWL!

Yes, she has finally figured out that forwards is better than backwards……….so now nothing is safe and nothing is sacred (run for your lives pussycats!!)

We have been doing what we can to try and child proof things – luckily, she hasn’t yet figured out about going too far so we are able to do things a little more gradually! (give her a week and she’ll be off eating the cats dinners!)

We will try and get a little movie clip of her in motion to add to the site so keep those peepers peeled!

New Gallery….

Yes, another gallery of pics – not so many this time but I figured that a few would keep you all going a bit longer!

With all this lovely weather, I’ll hopefully get lots more pics and can put up a much bigger album next time!

Click the photo on the right to go to the gallery. Isabel13/DSCF0035.jpg

Tall and skinny……where does she get that from?

Yesterday we had another appointment with the Plunket nurse to check on Isabel’s progress.

She is now 69.6cm tall, weighs 6.8kg (which is approx. 15lbs to those who only do it in old money!) and has a head circumference of 45.2cm – so for those that are interested, that puts her in the 97th percentile for head circ. , just below the 50th percentile for weight and in the 95th percentile for her height………….in other words a tall, skinny, big-head!

They were very pleased with her and VERY impressed with all her moving around – apparently I shouldn’t be bothered about her having no interest in sitting up as they much prefer them to do lots of rolling about instead!

We are still trying to expand her solid food choices – at the minute we can still only persuade her to eat Pumpkin and Sweetcorn (mixed veg and rice, broccoli and peas and potatoes, pear, apple all met with strange faces and lots of spitting!) but we will keep persevering!

FINALLY……a NEW gallery!

Yes, I have FINALLY pulled my finger out of my wotsits and have put up a new gallery of pictures!

A couple are from our recent trip away but most of them were taken at home over the last couple of weeks!

We’ll put up another post soon with more details about our mini holiday but for now, enjoy the photos!

Isabel12/DSCF0014.jpg Click the photo on the left to go to the gallery.

We’ve got a wee cough

Er, I mean we’ve got a week off. Today (24th October) is Labour Day here in NZ, which means, rather ironically, that everything shuts down for the day and it is a public holiday. To save using my holiday entitlement we therefore decided that we’d take the rest of the week off for a well-deserved break. (Well deserved in our opinion, at least!) We’re planning to go away for a few days and have booked a mini-break in Taupo at the end of the week.

Although we’ve been there before, when we were over here on holiday in 2003, we didn’t spend much time there, so have decided to base ourselves there again and spend some time exploring the area. We plan to test drive the Munchkin carrier to make sure it works successfully and generally spend a few days getting some R&R.

Kate’s been looking in the Rough Guide and has found Taupo’s answer to a British pub. According to the description although it doesn’t look like a British pub it serves a dozen English beers which have travelled well (apparently) and it serves fish ‘n’ chips and an all-day breakfast. Well, it sounds like that’s the food and drink options sorted!!

To crawl or not to crawl….

Well, it’s been just us girls this week and we’ve been pretty busy but still haven’t persuaded Isabel to move forwards!

Monday was a dress fitting and then Sarah and Henry came for lunch – being 2, Henry got a bit restless in the afternoon so we packed up and moved to the park round the corner to let him run off a bit of steam!

Tuesday we cleared up the bomb site that was the kitchen and then went for a walk with Jody and Madeleine – it was so hot that I got horribly sunburnt so I’m now being careful and have swapped my t-shirt for a long sleeve polo neck….good job it rained today or I’d have boiled! Erica came for dinner in the evening which was lovely.

Wednesday was antenatal get together at Lisa’s – Isabel is still one of the most advanced in the group being the only one with teeth and the only one threatening to move but Arabella has beaten everyone by being the 1st to sit up! After that, Sarah and Henry came for a brew before picking Tim up from work and then Rachel came round for a brew or 2 and a chat before picking Paul up from football!

So we have taken the chance today to do bugger all and have chilled out at home (the rain helped in this decision!) and I have booked some accommodation for us to go away for a few days at the end of next week – we’re heading up to Taupo for a change of scenery and we are really looking forward to it!

Tomorrow we are going to get the fabric for the wedding dress I am making and then the plan is to go and see Charlie and Anna at their new house before shooting home to make sure everything is beautiful before Dan gets home at 6.30!

Food, Glorious Food!

isabel with food on her face

We thought Isabel wasn’t bothered about solid food yet as she never seemed that interested in the things we were giving her but today we have discovered a flavour of baby food that she loves – Pumpkin and Sweetcorn of all things! We have supplied a pic of her happily tucking into her dinner – you can see just how much she liked it by the state of her face (her bib only got that colour because I used it to clean her face at least twice before this pic was taken!) so I’ve added it to my shopping list for today to make sure we have plenty in the cupboard!

Busy, Busy, Busy…….

Still no forward motion in the crawling department – we have had some progress in that Isabel now gets up into full press-up mode, brings her knees in and forwards and then collapses on her face! This doesn’t seem to be bothering her much – it would bother me if I was landing on my face so regularly, but small people are clearly much more resiliant to these sorts of things!

Busy week ahead of us next week – Dan is off to Auckland for the whole week so it’ll be a girly fest here! We have another fitting for the wedding dress I am currently constructing, antenatal get together, trips out to the beach and people coming for lunch, dinner and we may add some breakfast into the mix! So, all in all, a busy schedule that we are looking forward to!

The weather has been a bit dodgy of late – has a cunning way of lulling you into believing it will do one thing, and then doing the complete opposite! Last Saturday is a good example – peered out of the window before getting myself and the Munchkin dressed to find clear blue skies and glorious sunshine! Summer attire was chosen, put on and we headed into town so Dan could have his hair cut. By the time we got into town, the wind was howling, sky was black and it was starting to pour with rain…..and nobody had a coat! Anyway, the last couple of days have been lovely and pretty consistent so fingers crossed for a reasonable weekend – not sure we’ll get chance to road test the new Munchkin carrying contraption but we’ll let you know and provide pics if we do!

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